The DE CASTRO GROUP Code of Ethics is a set of principles that guides our professional conduct with our clients, employees, and colleagues. We are fully alligned to REGENERA association values.
I will keep confidential all client information, both business and personal, including that which may be revealed by other professional organizers and productivity consultants.
I will use proprietary client information only with the client’s permission.
I will keep client information confidential and not use it to benefit myself or my firm, or reveal this information to others.
I will decide independently and communicate to my client in advance my fees and expenses, and will charge fees and expenses which I deem reasonable, legitimate, and commensurate with my experience, the services I deliver, and the responsibility I accept.
I will make recommendations for products and services with my client’s best interests in mind.
In compliance with new GDPR regulations, REGENERA is committed to keeping your data safe. By accepting the Terms of Use you are accepting communications from You are allowing REGENERA, the Regenerative Luxury Hotels and Retreats Global Association to contact you for business and to distribute information.